Web App 8.8


A new ‘Timesheet Categorisation Audit Report’ export is now available from the Activity Staff Report.

While this can be exported at any time, this report is intended to assist Team Leaders, Finance, and Payroll teams in reviewing Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shift data, including Timesheet Categorisation, prior to generating Timesheet Batches to ensure the data is correct and ready for payroll processing.

It is important to note that when exporting this report, staff can only see the data that they have access to.

Please see the Timesheet Categorisation Audit Report export section of the Activity Staff Report article for more information.

It is important to note an accompanying Historical Timesheet Analysis Report export, designed to assist providers in reviewing Staff Shift data following Activity Sign Off or inclusion in Timesheet Batches, is being developed and is expected in a future release.


Timesheet Categorisation update

Staff shifts that occur in the evening and commence on a Saturday or Sunday are now categorised as ‘Time and a Half’ or ‘Double Time’, respectively, instead of ‘Evening’, for providers in all States and Territories.

This categorisation was previously limited to providers in QLD and WA.


Changes have been made to the ‘Easy Employer’ Time Sheet Batch export to ensure that the required data for payroll, such as Pay Rates, Sleepovers, Allowances, and Job Codes, is included.

  • An update has been made to ‘Shift Role’.
    By default, this is listed as ‘Disability Support Worker’; however, when the Payroll System Category is set for the Staff Member in their HR tab, e.g. to something different like ‘Higher Duties’, this will be listed here instead.

  • Addition of the following fields:

    • ‘Roster_Shift_Paid’ – Yes = Not Paid unchecked, No = Not Paid checked

    • ‘Roster_Shift_Program’ – Activity Program, where applicable

    • ‘Roster_Shift_Job_Code’ – Addition of Job Code components as configured for Timesheets in SupportAbility (once this has been enabled as requested), e.g. [SITE]-[SERVICE]

    • ‘Activity ID’

    • ‘Shift ID’

Changes have also been made to the ‘Staff Availability Leave Exception Search’ List export related to this, as outlined below, as this can now be used to import Staff Leave into Easy Employer.


The ‘Staff Availability Leave Exception Search’ List export has been updated to include each leave exception’s ‘From Time’ and ‘To Time’.


The SupportAbility Activity ID and Staff Shift ID have been prioritised and added to various reports, such as the ‘Staff Hours Report’ export and the ‘Detailed Timesheet Batch’ export, making it possible to combine information from different exports containing the same Shift ID. 

It is important to note that the Shift ID is not viewable in the Activity record, however, it has been added to assist providers using multiple exports together and in determining when different shifts belong to a single Activity.

This update is designed to assist with functions such as vlookup in Excel.


Performance enhancements have been made when loading the Timesheet Batch list page, including high volumes of data, to improve loading times. 


Update to the ‘All Kms’ function in NDIS Support Allocations to align this with how the Shift Kms Settings are configured in System Preferences for the Service.

For example, when Finalised Kms is set to use ‘Recorded’ data (as is the default), the ‘+ All Kms’ button function in NDIS Support Allocations will draw the Kms from ‘Finalised’ instead of ‘Rostered’.