

Claim Types have been updated in SupportAbility, and are now available based on the 2019/20 NDIS Support Catalogue in the NDIS Support Allocations window of an Activity and when adding Invoice Items to External Invoices (for providers of Plan Management Services).

The available Claim Types in the NDIS Support Allocations window of an Activity are those of the current Price Guide, regardless of how the Client’s NDIS Direct Price Guide Transition settings are configured.

Claim Type has been added to the NDIS Supports listed in the Support Log via Digital Signature and the Support Log Evidence Report printable from the Activity record.

N.B. The new ‘Non-Face-to-Face’ Claim Type has not been included in this upgrade. Please see the NDIS Price Guide Update – July 2019 article for more information regarding why and when this should be expected.


SupportAbility’s login page has been rebuilt as part of our focus on enhanced security.

Staff are no longer directed to a ‘welcome page’ and instead land directly on the redesigned SupportAbility login page where their Username and Password is required to access SupportAbility.

If too many failed logins are attempted, the Staff member will be asked to try again in approximately one minute.


When the From and/or To Time of an Activity is updated, the associated Staff shifts are also updated to reflect this, provided the Staff members time has not been customised.

If the Activity is part of a replicated set, and this new Activity time should be updated to all future Activities in the set, provided the ‘Settings’ Replication Management Setting is active upon saving the record, this will ensure not only the Activity time is updated as required, but the non-customised time Staff shifts also.


This update ensures that a Client can be removed from an Activity if required, when a Journal has been created for the Client from the Activity record.

If this occurs, the Client Journal will remain, however the link to the Activity will be removed.


Resolved an issue where the target icon was not navigating the Staff member to the specific warning correctly when selected from the warning bar at the top of the Client record.


Another update to the Available Client Funding Report, the Start and End Dates of the Funding records were displaying as the 23rd of the month instead of the correct date. This has now been rectified.


An issue with the formatting of Staff Rosters sent via Email from the Roster page has been fixed. This ensures the Roster is formatted correctly when communicated using this feature.